
The Vtables are the means by which the standard pregrid programs are told which fields to extract from the analysis files. Tables like these are expedient, because the archives tend to label fields by code numbers, and different archives frequently use different code numbers.  The Vtables also allow users to request that additional fields be extracted from the archives, without having to modify the pregrid programs themselves. The Vtable files have a fairly strictly defined format:

For each line to be interpreted, there are the following fields, separated by "|" (vertical bar, not an exclamation point):


GRIB | Level| Level| Level| REGRID   |  REGRID  | REGRID                       |
Code | Code |   1  |   2  | Name     |  Units   | Description                  |
 11  | 100  |   *  |      | T        | K        | Temperature                  |
 33  | 100  |   *  |      | U        | m s{-1}  | U                            |
 34  | 100  |   *  |      | V        | m s{-1}  | V                            |
 52  | 100  |   *  |      | RH       | %        | Relative Humidity            |
  7  | 100  |   *  |      | HGT      | m        | Height                       |
 11  | 105  |   2  |      | T        | K        | Temperature at 2 m           |
 33  | 105  |  10  |      | U        | m s{-1}  | U at 10 m                    |
 34  | 105  |  10  |      | V        | m s{-1}  | V at 10 m                    |
 52  | 105  |   2  |      | RH       | %        | Relative Humidity at 2 m     |
 2   | 102  |   0  |      | PMSL     | Pa       | Sea-level Pressure           |

There are a few subtleties built into the Vtable usage:

 52  | 100  |   *  |      | SPECHUMD | kg kg{-1}|                            |
     | 100  |   *  |      | RH       | %        | Relative Humidity          |

Fields which may be computed with pregrid are:
This list may grow as users encounter various situations in which a computed field is necessary.

  If you need to make your own Vtable, there are plenty of examples in the grib.misc directory.

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Last modified: Tue Jun 6 13:54:27 MDT 2000