The REGRID package is a preprocessor component of MM5, the Penn
State/NCAR Mesoscale Modeling System (see MM5
System Schematic). The purpose of REGRID is to read archived
meteorological analyses on pressure levels and interpolate those analyses
from some native grid and map projection to the grid and map projection
defined by the MM5 preprocessor program TERRAIN. REGRID handles pressure-level
and surface analyses. Two-dimensional interpolation is performed
on these levels. Other sorts of levels, such as isentropic levels
or model sigma or eta levels, are not handled. The output from REGRID
is generally used as a first guess for an objective analysis of observations
(MM5 preprocessor program RAWINS or LITTLE_R). For users familiar
with older versions of the MM5 system, the REGRID package replaces the
obsolete DATAGRID program.
REGRID is not a single program, but a suite of programs to handle various tasks of the REGRID package. The tasks are split up into two main components: 1) data input (i.e., reading the original meteorological analyses) and 2) interpolation to MM5 grid. The data input task is handled by the programs collectively known as pregrid, and the interpolation to the MM5 grid is handled by the program regridder. Communication between these programs is accomplished via intermediate files written in a pretty simple format. The pregrid tasks are further subdivided into programs which read specific data formats, while the regridder tasks are managed in a single program. The intent is that individual users can easily write their own data input programs (i.e., their own pregrid programs) if necessary, thus introducing their own data sources into the MM5 Modeling System (see schematic).
The Unix tar file "regrid.tar" has been set up to reflect the bipartite
structure of the REGRID package, with a top-level directory named "REGRID",
and subdirectories named "pregrid" and "regridder".
What you need to run REGRID
pregrid documentation
regridder documentation
REGRID intermediate format
Where can I find analyses?
FAQ Under Construction yet
Tutorial Under Construction yet
the REGRID package (regrid.tar.gz)
MM5 Home Page
Last modified: Tue Jun 6 14:22:42 MDT 2000