What you need to run REGRID
Compilers: Fortran 90 and c. The REGRID programs are written
in F90, and make extensive use of language features not available in F77.
Additionally, some of the necessary routines in the pregrid suite are written
in c. Certain utility programs make use of NCAR-Graphics library
routines, but these utility programs are not essential to running REGRID.
NCAR-Graphics is a bonus, but not necessary.
A TERRAIN output file, created by the MM5 preprocessor program TERRAIN.
Gridded meteorological analyses or forecast fields on pressure levels.
Fields available must include the following on pressure levels:
U component of the horizontal wind
V component of the horizontal wind
Relative Humidity, Dewpoint, Mixing ratio, or Specific Humidity
Height or geopotential.
And the following at the surface:
Sea-surface temperature
Sea-level pressure
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Last modified: Tue Jun 6 14:08:53 MDT 2000