General description

Pregrid is not a single program, but rather a suite of programs to read from various sources of gridded data in various formats, and write the data out again in a simple, specified format.  The primary purpose of this suite of programs is to prepare gridded analyses for horizontal interpolation to an MM5 model grid by program regridder.

Separate pregrid programs have been written for a number of data sources.  In addition, many data sets in the GRIB format may be processed by the program in the "grib.misc" directory.  Some data sets in GRIB format may be handled more easily by a separate program, rather than by trying to make the grib.misc code handle everything.  If users want to import code from some other data source or in some other data format, they will need to create their own pregrid program, which simply reformats the data to be read by regridder.  There currently exists a stand-alone shell for running pregrid alone (without regridder).  A single shell for running both pregrid and regridder may be available sometime in the future.

The "pregrid" directory

The pregrid directory has the following files and subdirectories:

How to use pregrid

REGRID Intermediate  Format

Recent changes to pregrid programs

Documentation HOME

Last modified: Thu Aug 31 11:27:21 MDT 2000